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Routines to the Rescue!

Updated: Aug 29, 2020

Here's how having a routine at home will get you the trough the next 2 weeks of homeschooling.

Your child’s day is divided into small daily tasks such as eating, washing, playing etc. Such simple tasks not only help your child become independent but also promotes their language development. Waking up every morning not knowing what’s happening next can be quite confusing for children. Whereas waking up knowing that you will need to first wash, then change and then have breakfast gives your child a sense of security and control as well as develops their language skills.

Children thrive on structure and routine, knowing what comes next helps develop their self esteem and encourages positive changes in their behaviour. I’m not saying children shouldn’t be free to explore, discover, play in the sand and mess around... They should! Child initiated play is very important for their development, but so is following a daily routine.

Following a daily routine at home encourages a child to take an active role; when doing the same activity over and over again your child will gradually gain confidence, carry out the task independently and even tell you what comes next.

Set a daily routine for your child's morning. Include 'work time' where they would complete an adult set activity (ex. homework, tracing, etc) and free play where they would get to choose an activity of their own; don't forget to include snack time. For older children remember to outline your rules; things like TV time and bed time.

Empower your child by having a written or visual schedule set up in a central area in the house for them to refer back too. This will encourage them to refer back to it and become independent.

Here are visual symbols you can print out and use with your child.

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